As part of our final worship service at 1200 Wilmington Avenue three “Blessings for the Journey”, from two previous and our current pastor, were shared. We are delighted to share them with you…
From Dr. Elmer West, Pastor of GPBC from 1974-1980:
I salute you as you leave your beautiful church home and venture fourth by faith to be church in another place. you are closing the circle of a hundred years when a small group of believers, with no building to call their own, first became this church.
My prayer for you is paraphrased in the words of H.E. Fosdick’s hymn, “God of grace and God of glory…grant you wisdom, grant you courage, for the facing of this hour; and…for the living of these days.”
From Dr. Lee Gallman, pastor of GPBC from 1999 to 2011:
Before there was a building at 1200 Wilmington Avenue, there was a church formed from committed Christians who love God, supported one another and served God’s realm in the world. The remarkable story of the building and the beauty of that structure is a very special indication of the presence of God in the life of this church. In that story, witness was borne to the love of holy space and the joy of worship. However, it was neither the first nor the most important sign of God’s grace. The church adapted to the needs of the community and to those of its members. The new possibilities of the future are challenging and exciting. A hundred years from now, those in this community will look back on this day as a pivotal point for the work of God through this church. My prayer for you is that you will blossom as you always have into a flower of hope and love.
From Rev. Mandy England Cole, current pastor:
Beloved ones called Ginter Park Baptist Church,
go now with the confidence of God’s preparation, presence, and provision.
May you shake the dust from your feet as you release the patterns of the past,
and may you graciously welcome all that lies ahead
on these new and uncharted paths.
May this journey open you to fresh discoveries of joy in God;
draw you deep into mystery with reverence,
bind you more closely together,
widen your welcome of others,
strengthen your faith
and renew in you the courageous Spirit of service.
May you welcome the fresh winds of God’s work in you,
so that God may be glorified;
you may be Christ’s presence in this world;
and you may experience a resurrection of Spirit
only possible by the grace of God.
May it be so. Amen.