• 804-359-2475 • 6100 Chamberlayne Rd Richmond VA

411rgH8pfjL._SX320_BO1,204,203,200_This coming Sunday will be the first in a five week preaching and worship series on gratitude.  The series was inspired by the newest Diana Butler Bass book, Grateful: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks.  In the prologue she writes: This book is an invitation to become aware of gratitude in new ways, with the hope that if we see more clearly what is at stake, we might together nurture, encourage, and practice the sort of gratefulness that can change our hearts and communities.  Join us as we eagerly seek to experience the transformative power of gratitude.


Date                  Sermon Title                         Key Question

May 27             The Struggle                            Why is it so hard to feel grateful?

We’ll explore the challenge of practicing gratitude when we just aren’t feeling it.  Our scripture for this Sunday is the story of the ten lepers healed by Jesus (of which, only one returns to thank him) as tod in Luke 17:11-19.

June 3                Table Communion                    What does gratitude look like in community?

We’ll explore the ways gratitude is inherently social and how it connects us to others.  Our scripture for this day is the story of how Jesus went home with Zaccheus to share a meal, as told in Luke 19:1-10.

June 10              Emotion v. Ethic                     Is gratitude a feeling or an action?

We’ll explore the distinction between these two different ways of understanding gratitude, and, the implications this has on our lives.  Our scripture for this Sunday is an imperative to “rejoice always” from I Thessalonians 5:16-18.

June 17            Transformative Power               How are we changed by gratitude?

We’ll explore the ways gratitude “makes all things new”, and, the intimate connection between blessing and gratitude.  Our scripture focus will be the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) and a brief word from Revelation 21:5.

June 24             Defiance                                        Doesn’t gratitude ignore the pain of reality?

We’ll explore the ways in which gratitude is defiance of despair – acknowledging the reality of pain, suffering, and injustice but reclaiming the gospel truth that they do not have the last word.  This day our scriptural focus will be Jesus’ commissioning of the disciples as told in Matthew 10:1, 5-14.

Categories: Announcements