4:00 PM September 30, 2018
Westminster Canterbury
1600 Westbrook Ave
We are always looking for ways to embody the church for our elderly members who are unable to physically be present with us on Sunday mornings. We thought since they are unable to come to us, what if we came to them? And not just a few folks for a pastoral care visit, but what if we invited the entire congregation to worship with them at their retirement home one Sunday?
This is the thinking behind our new Fifth Sunday worship field trips. Once a quarter, we will not hold worship services Sunday morning and instead will worship at one of the four retirement homes with GPBC members. Rather than plan a separate service, we will worship alongside residents at their regular chapel time, typically in the late afternoon. There will be no Sunday School or 10:30 AM worship service on the BTSR campus, though our ministers will be present to greet any visitors who don’t get the word (or any members who forgot!).
The first of these services will take place on September 30 at 4 PM with a hymn sing at Westminster Canterbury. Because visitor parking can be in short supply on the weekends, the van will be used to shuttle folks to Westminster Canterbury. Pickup will be in the old Azalea Mall parking lot adjacent to the new library on the corner of Brook Road and Westbrook Avenue. Shuttles will run at 3:30 and 3:45PM.
You may also drive independently. Let the gate guard know you are there for worship; park in the designated area for visitors; and make the walk to the Chapel.
We will host a small reception following the hymn sing to fellowship with the residents and one another.