On August 25, 2019, we will hold a Service of Baptism for Addison Schmitt at the river home of Paul & Keene Irwin in Little Plymouth, VA. The worship service will be at 11 am followed by a potluck lunch with Communion. We are all warmly invited to enjoy time down at (and in!) the river in the afternoon and our fellowship will conclude by 5 pm.
The church will provide fried chicken and asks that everyone bring a summer-appropriate side dish or dessert to share. Bring a lawn chair if you can and don’t forget your swimsuit if you’d like to enjoy some water sports. Please sign-up on Realm or let Sheryl know you are coming so we know how many to prepare for. Directions to Paul & Keene’s river home will be sent to all who indicate they plan to attend. Tracy Cady will drive the church van, leaving the CHUMC parking lot at 9:30 am. Let her know if you would like to ride so we can make sure there is enough room.