• 804-359-2475 • 6100 Chamberlayne Rd Richmond VA

 Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Celebration of Holy Communion
10:30 AM • ZOOM Meeting

Study Leader: Mark Biddle
Scripture: Genesis 32:22-31
Theme: “Jacob’s Ultimate Struggle”

If you’d rather join by phone, call: (301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 834 854 376

In this time of social distancing, we stay connected to one another by gathering virtually in worship  to join our voices together in prayer, to fellowship and share with one another, and to explore scripture in an interactive format.  Contact Sheryl or the church office if you need help getting ZOOM onto your device.

We will also be celebrating Communion, so have bread and drink available that morning to represent for you the body and blood of Christ.  Communion need not be by intinction, so you will likely want a cup for each person in the household.

Artwork: “A Painting depicting the night when Jacob wrestled with God. After the match was over, Jacob was given the name ‘Israel,’ which means ‘God Wrestler.’ This painting is intended to remind us of our tendency to struggle and wrestle with God’s calling, mystery, and sovereignty.”

“I firmly believe that art is a communion with the soul. Through my art, I strive to make known the beauty and wonder of life and faith. The pieces in this exhibit are inspired by things that have touched my life in a meaningful way. They range from plein air and impressionism to abstract and conceptual. My hope is to successfully communicate those inspirations so that you might be touched as well.”  From:

Attribution: Moyers, Mike. “Israel,” from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.  [retrieved July 20, 2020]. Original source: Mike Moyers,