10:30 AM • ZOOM & In-Person
Scripture: John 21:1-15; Colossians 1:15-19
Sermon: “Follow Me!”
Guest Proclaimer: Rev. Victoria Bethel
Associate Pastor for Hospitality, Richmond Hill
Download the Worship Guide
Password: “GPBC”
Fellowship Hall, Chamberlayne Heights UMC
6100 Chamberlayne Rd • Richmond, VA
If you’d rather join by phone, call: (301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 834 854 376
After over a year of meeting for worship virtually, we are now engaging through hybrid worship – meeting in-person as well as connecting virtually via Zoom. For those physically present, we will all continue to wear masks out of respect for those who need to continue to wear them. For those present virtually, we will do our best to include you as active participants and not passive observers. And in all things, grace and love.