The Worship of God
10:30 AM • ZOOM & In-Person
Fellowship Hall, Chamberlayne Heights UMC
6100 Chamberlayne Rd • Richmond, VA
Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12
Sermon: “Give a Little Bit”
Proclaimer: Anita Laffoon
Click here to join us on Zoom:
If you’d rather join by phone, call: (301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 804 359 2475
Don’t Miss This!
GPBC is unique in that our commitment to our Rule of Life is what makes someone a part of our community, unlike other traditional methods of “joining” a church. So this Sunday we are making time during the 10:30am worship service to celebrate and affirm (or reaffirm) our commitment to the Rule of Life in a tangible way.
We’ll have a poster of the Rule of Life that everyone can to add their name to. If you can’t be here in person on Sunday, don’t worry! We can add you in absentia (by request), or you can add your name the next time you’re able to worship with us in person. We’ll keep this poster in the office so that as we gain new friends they can be added as well. Our hope is that this becomes an annual tradition, and we start every new year by reminding ourselves of this commitment to live in beloved community.
We are engaged in hybrid worship – meeting in person as well as connecting virtually via Zoom. For those physically present, masks are now optional. For those present virtually, we will do our best to include you as active participants and not passive observers. And in all things, grace and love.