This Sunday, March 10, 2019
First Sunday in Lent Watts Chapel (3401 Brook Rd) 10:30AM Proclaimer: Dr. Mark Biddle Sermon Title: “Memory and Meaning” Sermon Texts: Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Liturgist: Addison Schmitt Van Driver: Tracy Cady
First Sunday in Lent Watts Chapel (3401 Brook Rd) 10:30AM Proclaimer: Dr. Mark Biddle Sermon Title: “Memory and Meaning” Sermon Texts: Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Liturgist: Addison Schmitt Van Driver: Tracy Cady
The Season of Lent begins this Wednesday with Ash Wednesday. While we at Ginter Park Baptist will not be hosting our own service, we do want to encourage folks to seek out a service that meets their needs. Here are a few possibilities. Richmond Hill (2201 E. Grace St.) 7:00 Read more…
Fourth Sunday in Lent 3:00 PM at The Hermitage There will be no Sunday morning activities as we will be worshipping with our homebound members and others at The Hermitage (1600 Westwood Ave) as our Fifth Sunday worship field trip. The service takes place at 3:00 PM in their chapel. Read more…
We are very glad to announce that our friends at Union Presbyterian Seminary have agreed to let us use Watts Chapel in Watts Hall (3401 Brook Rd) for worship this Sunday and until we finalize our arrangements with a partnering church. Please note that we will NOT be having Sunday Read more…
Transfiguration Sunday Celebration of Holy Communion Watts Chapel, Union Presbyterian Seminary 10:30AM Proclaimer: Dr. Mark Biddle Sermon Title: “Being Changed” Sermon Text: 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 Liturgist: Paul Irwin Van Driver: Paul Irwin
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany 10:30AM in the BTSR Chapel Proclaimer: Rev. Sheryl Johnson Sermon Title: “How Did We Get Here?” Sermon Text: Genesis 45:3-15 Liturgist: Anne Campbell Van Driver: Gordon/Dixie Leathers
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany 10:30AM in the BTSR Chapel Proclaimer: Rev. Vicky Bethel Sermon Title: “How to Walk on Water” Sermon Text: Matthew 14:22-33 Liturgist: Royce Woolfolk Van Driver: Gordon/Dixie Leathers
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 10:30AM in the BTSR Chapel Proclaimer: Dr. Mark Biddle Sermon Title: “Consumer Worship” Sermon Texts: Isaiah 6:1-13; Luke 5:1-11 Liturgist: Don Polaski Van Driver: Gordon/Dixie Leathers
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Celebration of Holy Communion 10:30AM in the BTSR Chapel Proclaimer: Dr. Mark Biddle Sermon Title: “Many Widows in Israel” Sermon Text: Luke 4:21-30 Liturgists: Lisa Horn & Sandra Polaski Van Driver: Gordon/Dixie Leathers
Third Sunday after Epiphany 10:30AM in the BTSR Chapel Proclaimer: Dr. Mark Biddle Sermon Title: “Harmony in Difference” Sermon Texts: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Liturgist: Annie Campbell Deacon: Vickie Hall Van Driver: Tracy Cady