• 804-359-2475 • 6100 Chamberlayne Rd Richmond VA

This Sunday, August 13, 2017

Tenth Sunday After Pentecost Service of Worship 10:30AM in the BTSR Chapel  Scripture Texts: John 6:35-40 Psalm 13 Sermon: Better Than a Hallelujah by  Rev. Sheryl Johnson Sheryl has served as a hospital chaplain at MCV and as Minister for Christian Education and Spiritual Formation for RIver Road Church, Baptist, Read more…

This Sunday, July 30, 2017

Eighth Sunday After Pentecost Service of Worship 10:30AM in the BTSR Chapel  Scripture Texts: Romans 8:26-27, 38-39 Psalm 1 Sermon: The Wicked and the Righteous: What’s the Connection? by  Guest Preacher, Dr. Phyllis Rodgerson Pleasants Tessieri: Today we welcome to our pulpit, Dr. Phyllis Rodgerson Pleasants Tessieri. After interesting and Read more…

Travelling Song

Our very own Sandra Hack Polaski penned the words to the hymn, “Travelling Song” which was sung as part of our final worship service at 1200 Wilmington Avenue.  Enjoy these meaningful words! “Travelling Song”   When Abraham and Sarah left kindred, home, and land They trusted in God’s promise and Read more…

Blessings for the Journey

As part of our final worship service at 1200 Wilmington Avenue three “Blessings for the Journey”, from two previous and our current pastor, were shared.  We are delighted to share them with you… From Dr. Elmer West, Pastor of GPBC from 1974-1980: I salute you as you leave your beautiful Read more…